Blog Writing Services

Admit It!

Writing blog posts that convert…

demands your time, research efforts, dedication, and a place on your calendar that nags at you every day.

Well, I’ve got the antidote to resuscitate that lifeless pile of digital tumbleweeds into an unstoppable traffic MAGNET—one that COMMANDS prospects to drink your every irresistible word!

Because let’s face it, a stale, neglected blog is like a virtual billboard that screams “Our Company Is BORING and LAZY!”

That’s why I’m Candace Sinclair, the one-woman content ARMY behind Bankable Words. My OBSESSIVELY CRAFTED blog posts don’t just float aimlessly in the ether. EVERY sentence gets scientifically engineered to:

ENTRANCE readers and seize their attention in a vice-grip from word one!

COMPEL them to hungrily devour each line like a starving Rottweiler!

OVERWHELM their resistance and FORCE them to consume your offers!

FLOOD your website with a relentless surge of RABID new leads!

DETONATE an endless avalanche of comments, shares, and SALES!

Quite simply, my blog writing WEAPONIZES your content—DEMOLISHING prospect indifference and turning them into HYPER-RESPONSIVE profit hoses!

Let me PROVE this power with your choice of irresistible packages:

The “Starter” – $300/month gets you 4 electrifying posts that’ll rapidly IGNITE your flatlining blog’s pulse!

The “GROWTH Grenade” – $600/month delivers 8 extended posts CRAMMED with addictive NLP triggers, profit-popping case studies and eyeball-SEIZING images to spark endless shares!

The “DETONATOR” – My $1,000/month KILL SHOT obliterates all resistance with a monthly ONSLAUGHT of 12 PILLAR posts, penetrating every nook and cranny of your niche! Each 1,000-2,000 word BLOCKBUSTER is a mini sales-CYCLONE weaponized to DOMINATE your market!

Every sizzling post gets STUFFED with irresistible magnetic forces like:

> Rail-STRAIGHT copy that beams your brand voice into prospects’ brains!

> Eye-POPPING images to HAMMER your message home and spark a tidal wave of shares!

> NLP influence BOMBS strategically dispersed throughout to shred objections!

> White-HOT SEO optimization to feed a voracious stampede of hyper-qualified Google traffic!

> Unlimited revisions until you’re GRINNING ear-to-ear at the final cut!

My clients often dub me the “Blog Whisperer” for my hyper-intuitive ability to craft the PERFECT lures their audience can’t resist.

So grab your package now and prepare to watch your business get…

  • AVALANCHED by hordes of salivating new leads HUNGRY to consume your offers!
  • SWARMED by an unrelenting barrage of social shares and backlinks!
  • BOMBARDED by sales-crippling your customer support channels into oblivion!
  • FORCE-FED a whirlwind of positive testimonials and word-of-mouth buzz!

This is your limited opportunity to unleash an UNSTOPPABLE business-building dynamo on your blog before lesser marketers catch wind!

The clock’s ticking <tick-tock>

==> Stake Your Claim to a Bankable Words Blitz NOW!

Still skeptical? Email me RIGHT NOW and I’ll dismantle your doubts in SECONDS.

Tick tock…while you deliberate, others are securing their monthly ration of my high-voltage, profit-accelerants!

The choice is yours.

Join the addiction or stay sedated?

Your move!